Apple News, the app, which will
be installed on every iPhone that upgrades to iOS 9. It is a new app
centralised for all the content.
Features of this new app are :
Enjoyable to use
Puts everything in one place
Loads incredibly fast
Recommends new sites
Swipe up to read an article from original site
The app is broken up into a
number of tabs such as
1. ‘For you’
which is a selection of stories from the
publications you subscribe to
‘Favorites’ shows what you’re subscribed to
‘Explore’ offers
‘Saved’ is a simple way to save stories for later reading
Each site can customize their section of the app, such as they
can change their logo and the background
colour of the top bar.
Stories in the app are presented in a consistent, clean way,
though publishers can modify their font and add other elements.
Those publishers simply don’t have the resources to spend
time worrying about seconds on every page load, and Apple’s offering an
interesting way to solve the problem. One major issue, though, is nobody
knows what Apple’s ad payouts will look like and it’ll only allow one ad
to be shown on each article, via its iAd network.
The app
misses a ton of features.
Once Apple News is on everyone’s home screen, it could change
the face of news forever… or it could just end up in another folder on your
phone, which depends on ‘YOU’.
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